Saturday, January 25, 2014


We had a change to visit the Reichstag and die Kuppel, which is the glass dome on top of the building. Admission is free, but you must register ahead of time and bring your passport! Everyone was right when they said it offers the best views of Berlin, which unfortunately are very difficult to capture with a camera.

FYI: The dome is outside (read: not enclosed and no heaters!!!) and I wouldn't really encourage visiting it in the winter. It's pretty high up and temps are already sub-freezing on the ground. I look forward to booking an appointment for the summer though, and during the day next time! It was already dusk by the time we got up there.

We also got to see the plenary chamber where the parliament meets.

Random fun facts:
  • The color of the seats is patented by the German government. You can't find it anywhere else, supposedly. I personally think it looks strangely reminiscent of the color of evil Minions.
  • Bullet holes from when the Soviets overtook the building have been left to serve as a reminder of history.
  • The seats and chairs are fully adjustable and are changed every four years after the election such that each party has exactly the number of seats as elected members in their little slice of the crescent. (Very German.)
On a kinda related note, two random photos of other gorgeous landmarks in the evening...

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