Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Snowfall

I am a little behind on posts - apologies!

Berlin saw snow for the first time this year yesterday, which is unseasonably late. Someone who was here last semester said that it only snowed once, so Berlin's been having a pretty "warm" winter.

Uhhhh... OK #caligirlinberlin

And just as exciting as the snow, my host family just began fostering two cats, Jofi and Ari. They are absolutely beautiful and such a delight to see everyday :) I have never been able to keep a large pet like a cat or dog, so this is amazing! Speaking of which, I will be seeing a lot more of both cats, as I have decided to stay with my host family until the end of my program here in Berlin. I'm so glad they're willing to let me stay, and this really resolves a loooot of issues I was encountering in finding a place to live.

Jofi, constantly running around and thus blurry. Ari and I got into a bit of a scuffle and he is not very happy with me right now, but hopefully he'll forgive me soon!

The other hugely exciting recent development is that I finally decided on all the countries I want to visit in February and I am taking a month long solo trip to the UK, Ireland, and France. All my transport has been booked and now I'm looking into hostels and specific destinations.

Coming up: an Überblick of some of the other random stuff I've been doing, primarily regarding some interesting places I visited while working on a presentation about Marlene Dietrich and a trip to the Reichstag & die Kuppel.

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