Sunday, January 12, 2014

Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe serves as a reminder of the atrocities of World War II and the Third Reich. A few days ago, I took a tour with a guide who lauded Germany for trying to make amends for the terrible crimes against humanity committed by ancestors. I have to say that I agree. It takes a lot to own up to a genocide that killed over five million people, and there is not a single attempt to disguise the truth. In fact, by the end of the underground exhibits, I didn't want to see or hear the word "murder" one more time.

In my opinion, the toughest part was learning about individuals and families that perished during the Holocaust. It's all very distant until someone makes it salient by putting a face and a name to what you already know. The real shame is that there were so many more victims whose identities may remain forever unknown.

I wasn't able to stay very long because after a while, it really becomes unbearable. I hope to return at least once more during my time in Berlin.


  1. I love this. I went to a memorial in Paris and blogged about it too. I'm sure this one is on another level though but such important history. Can you imagine that there are people who deny the Holocaust ever happened? That is crazy to me. Also, did you take the tour in English or in German?? ;)

    1. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!!! Memorials are pretty important since the dead can't speak for themselves, and I'm glad they exist, especially for something as huge as the Holocaust. I took my tour in English... uh I wish I were pro enough to do it in German!
